"... there is a great deal to be learned from this book, whatever your level of experience ... an indispensable manual for the technical side of Midi." --- ST Format

"Thanks to his years in the business, Overaa knows the questions people ask, and he gives us the answers ... If you're into Midi you should get this book." --- Amiga User International

Making the Most of Midi
Paul Overaa
ISBN 1-85550-006-X

Bookmark Publishing
The Old School, Greenfield
Bedford MK45 5DE England
Voice 01525 713671
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Although Making the Most of Midi explains the fundamentals of Midi and Midi sequencing for the beginner, it goes much further, dealing with issues that will be of help to more established users.

The author, Paul Overaa, has been working with Midi almost since its inception in the early 1980s. He has worked with Midi using PC computers, Atari STs, and the Amiga. That work includes both reviewing and using vast amounts of Midi software, and writing his own Midi utilities. Paul uses Midi sequencers in a professional capacity, both in the studio and when playing live, so he can throw some light on the practical issues as well as tackling the technical stuff.

Most books which introduce you to Midi do so in ways which are essentially non-technical. The arguments here being that most musicians who want to use Midi are not really interested in what's happening under the surface. Paul's view is that the technical side is too important to dismiss in this way.

Paul has produced a book which looks at various Midi technical issues but explains them in terms that all Midi users will be able to understand. He has also examined some of the more complex issues, including details about fault finding and how Midi oriented computer programs are written.

Beginner or expert, there'll be something in this book for you!

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